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How To Brew Colombian Whole Bean Coffee

Colombian whole bean coffee is known around the world for its smooth flavor profile with hints of nut and fruits unique to its home region. Knowing how to prepare this delicious beverage is the first step to enjoying it in the comfort of your own home. 

Grinding the Beans

Before brewing can begin, you will need to grind the coffee beans to the best setting for your particular brew method. Depending on the final volume you want to enjoy, you should measure an adequate amount from an 11 oz Colombian whole bean coffee bag into the grinder.

Most people use an electric grinder with different settings based on how fine or coarse the grounds will be. However, you can also use a hand grinder, bearing in mind that it will take more time and some muscle. 

The fineness of the grounds will be determined by your brew method (see below). In general, espresso machines require very fine grounds, whereas a pour-over coffee will require a medium grind, and French-pressed coffee is best made with coarser grounds. If you're unsure exactly which setting to use, ask your favorite barista for advice. 

Heating the Water

Does boiling water differently really make a difference in the final taste of Colombian coffee? In short: yes. First, consider that the end beverage is just water infused with the flavor of the coffee beans. The type of water you begin with will directly affect your end product. Try to use only pure, filtered water for the best tasting results. 

Secondly, the temperature of the water will affect how the coffee grounds release their full flavor. Water that is at boiling (212°F, 100°C) will actually make the beans release their flavors too quickly and result in a more bitter coffee. If the water is too cold, the coffee will not be able to brew sufficiently. 

The best temperature for water when brewing coffee is 195° - 205°F (90.5° - 96°C), as this temperature allows the coffee beans' full flavor profile to be extracted. 

Brewing Methods

If you own an electric coffee pot, it will do most of the work for you at the push of a button. Others may enjoy the art of pouring water onto the grounds with a pour-over or French press method. If so, be sure to pour in a circular motion so as to moisten all of the grounds at the same time. 

For a French press, wait about 4-5 minutes for the best extraction before separating the beans from the brewed coffee. You can then enjoy your Colombian coffee black or add cream and sugar at this point. Voile! The perfect cup of Colombian whole bean coffee is ready to sip and savor.  
